How Certified Organic Coffee is diffrent than Regular coffee

Attributes of Coffee That Is Organic.

These days, as American become more health conscious, they are also trying to help our environment by “going green”. One way they are doing this is to rid their bodies and surroundings of as many toxins and chemicals as possible. Due to the benefits of going organic many coffee loving Americans are switching to certified organic coffee beans for a new way to get their daily java fix.

You are likely wondering what differentiates regular from certified organic coffee. The main difference lies how they grow the coffee beans. Most coffee beans today are grown in large fields where the shade trees have been removed. The farmers have to put pesticides on the crops and put fertilizers in the soil, to be able to make a nice coffee bean crop. Both the fertilizers and the pesticides seep into the soil, and are absorbed by the roots of the trees, which reduces the quality of the coffee beans produced. This might be the reason for that cup of bitter coffee you had.

Certified Organic coffee beans, however, are grown with the help of these shade trees, as they offer protection to the growing crops. Birds often enjoy living in the shade trees, which alleviates insect problems and eliminates the need for pesticides. The result is a chemical-free coffee that is better in quality, taste, and is much healthier to consume and with no fertilizers or pesticide damaging the soil and tree roots. It is important to keep our trees healthy, the healthier a tree is the more oxygen it can produce and release into our atmosphere. This greatly helps our environment as it reduces the toxins that we breathe in.

When growing and harvesting their crop, all farmers must adhere to a rigorous set of standards established by the United States Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for certifying all certified organic coffee. Unlikely as it may seem, this is acutally quite a benefit. The quality of the harvested beans are tested by the Agricultural Department. In order to be classified as organic, receive certification and to be sold, a crop has to meet specific standards. If this level of stringent testing was applied to everthing in the food supply, we would all benefit.

The price of certified organic coffee is often found to be lower priced than regular coffee. The main reason for this is that farmers who maintain and produce a crop of certified organic coffee beans spend less money by leaving off the chemicals. Remember that chemicals are very costly. The American public benefits from lower prices when farmers are able to keep their costs down.
If you are seeking another beverage to take the place of coffee, consider certified organic coffees – they cost less than other drinks, are healthful, and best of all, you will enjoy their wonderful tastes. You may be astonished by your feelings of well-being, and you will be contributing to the health of the environment and the planet.

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