Cherry Sunburst

Cherry Sunburst

Cherry Sunburst

Regularly voted 'best in show' at the National Cherry Show in Kent, Sunburst is a superb self-fertile variety from Summerland in Canada. It will produce a good crop of very large, dark red fruit that are mouth-wateringly sweet and juicy!

Given that cherries are such a well loved fruit, it's surprising that they are not more widely grown in our gardens. Perhaps people are put off by childhood memories of giant, unmanageable trees; if so then think again! Grown on Colt rootstock, gives a very productive tree with good fruit size, but compact growth so it can be grown in a small space, either free-standing or trained against a wall or fence.

High quality, dark red almost black large dessert cherries of the sweetest flavour which will store well for a short period after picking. Cherry Sunburst has 'Gisella 7' rootstock which produces good fruit size, but with compact growth so that it can be grown in a small space. Being self fertile it is ideal for small gardens planted in a warm sunny spot in a large container on the patio.

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