Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Best Coffee Cake Recipes
Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Tips to Make Your Coffee Cake Recipes Even Better!
By Katya Coen

Coffee cakes are delicious breakfast treats that are best paired with your favorite coffee or tea. Since coffee is a strong beverage, the cake it is paired with has to have a strong but sweet flavor - this is why they usually have fruits or nuts mixed in them.

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

There are numerous coffee cake recipes that you can find, both online and in recipe books. You can easily make one on your own by just following the simple recipes. However, if you want to make your coffee cake stand out, here are some tips you can try.

Although you have to mix the cake batter well, it is important that you don't overdo it. Over-mixing can turn make the cake dense and tough.

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Instead of using milk, try adding yogurt into the cake batter. This will result in a moist cake, which tends to rise well.

Try to use a spring-form pan when baking your coffee cake, as the cake will be easier to take out of the pan this way.

Streusel is crumbly; if you're making streusel, don't invert your coffee cake, as you can lose a lot of your toppings. Also, instead of making the streusel as a topping, you can also try mixing it into the batter to make it part of the cake itself.

Make your streusel topping different by adding some oatmeal or coconut to the mixture you have created. This will enhance the flavor and the texture after it has been baked. Also try adding nuts and other spices.

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Decorate using icing, syrup, spices or even just some confectioner's sugar. This will not only make your coffee cakes visually appealing, but it will also add some flavor to them, as well.

Once you know how to make one, you can easily make other types of coffee cakes. Try to research on the different variations that can be done on this sweet treat. You should try changing some ingredients in your recipe, such as the kinds of nuts and fruits used. For example, instead of almonds, try roasted pecans; or instead of peaches, try using apples.

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment! You might just come up with a great coffee cake recipe on your own!

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Best Coffee Cake Recipes

Best Coffee Cake Recipes
Best Coffee Cake Recipes

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