Strawberry Plant - Rambling Cascade
Fragaria x ananassa 'Senga Sengana'

The flavour of this variety is quite exceptional and surpasses the taste or any bred 'for long shelf life' commercially grown strawberry.

Mr Shirley senior first saw these in Elmshorn in Germany back in the 1950's; these were growing in balcony troughs with runners all of 5-6 feet in length festooned with lovely fruit. Much controversy existed in the past over the merits of climbing strawberries and the claims made; no strawberry can climb in the accepted sense but we re-introduce a variety that does produce long runners that can be trained to trellis, canes or around a stout pole.

Rambing Cascade is of course also suitable for open ground growing and is a fantastic variety for those considering growing in matted rows.

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