How’s Your Coffee?

How’s Your Coffee?
How’s Your Coffee?

A well caffeinated guy may have been very well in evaluating a coffee quality. They have a good understanding about coffee and can give testimonials without even taste it. Want to be one of them? Let’s practice this lesson! Warning : this may take years of your life since you’ll need to experience different coffees :)

Things with Acidity

Coffee Acidity refers to the bright and dry taste that adds life to a coffee. This one of the four basic characteristics professional coffee tasters use to evaluate coffee. It resulted from the proton donation of acids to receptors on the human tongue. Acidity used in this way is a good thing. It is not sourness or bitterness, but a pleasant taste sensation comparable to the one experienced when drinking dry red wine, a sensation that hits the palate as much as the tongue.

While the amount of acidity in “good” coffee is a matter of style and individual taste, some acidity is desirable. But you know, coffee marketers and retailers often avoid the word acidity in their coffee descriptions because people often associated them with negative reactions. Instead they use words like tart, tangy, bright, lively, vibrant, crisp, sharp, and snappy to imply noticeable acidity.

Things with The Body

The more full the coffee you see, the more preferable it is. The sense of heaviness, richness, thickness in the back of the tongue. Full-bodied coffees are less likely to lose their flavor through milk. And talking about this full-bodied coffee, Indonesians is the winner :)

How’s Your Coffee?

Things with The Aroma

Aroma known to be the scent of coffee that reflects coffe character, make it different with other coffee. The aroma contributes to the flavors we discern on our palates, the sensations like : sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Coffees like Kona and Colombian tend to be the most fragrant.

Things with Flavor

Flavor here refers to the combination of your mouth perception to the coffee you take : acidity, aroma, and body. Actually, this part is the evaluation of all coffee taste, how it works in your tongue, whether it’s flowery, nut-like, chocolty, sharp, grassy, earthy, rubbery, or is it full, bright, or perhaps spicy :)

So, how’s your coffee? Practice well, ya! :D

How’s Your Coffee?
How’s Your Coffee?

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