Chocolate Fountain

Chocolate Fountain
Chocolate Fountain

Chocolate Fountains at Sale Prices For Everyone to Enjoy
By Andrew Hawnt Platinum Quality Author

Chocolate fountains. Isn't that a delightful phrase? The two words go together perfectly. Say them individually: Chocolate. Fountain. What a beautiful pairing of five syllables. You may well have seen chocolate fountains in stores around town already, or even in clubs or at parties, with oceans of warm, gooey chocolate cascading over their sides.

Chocolate Fountain

These marvelous things are available for use in the home too, and many retailers and websites are offering them at discount prices right now due to overstocking- a great time to take advantage and get one for your own home. So how do chocolate fountains actually work? A motor in the base of the unit is used to warm and melt the chocolate. A type of corkscrew them pushes the melted chocolate up through the central column.

Chocolate Fountain

Once it gets there, the delicious goop falls from the top level onto the next one down, and thus onto the one below that, creating the fountain effect. Once the liquid reaches the bottom of the unit, the process is repeated again and again, giving that perpetual motion look that these fountains are famous for. Incidentally, chocolate that is high in cocoa butter content is much more suitable for these fountains than other types, as it melts better and has a better consistency.

Chocolate Fountain

Dark cooking chocolate works well in these devices, and you can help the melting process along before starting your fountain up by microwaving the chocolate before putting it into the bottom tray. This would be a good idea for parties and special occasions, as it reduces the time taken to make the fountain work.

Chocolate Fountain

Everyone can enjoy these luxury treats once in a while thanks to the special offers around. There are many sizes of these devices available, meaning everyone can get in on the delicious action. Have a look around online at reviews and discount information so you can find the best chocolate fountain to suit your kitchen and your lifestyle.

Chocolate Fountain

Chocolate Fountain
Chocolate Fountain

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