Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert
Chocolate Bar Advert

In every candy store you will find the fun size chocolate bar display which will temp you into an impulse buy at the last minute if the display is placed in the right position near the register as customers are ready to complete their orders. It may actually be done for two reasons with the first being already stated for the last minute impulse buy and for the second reason and that it allows you to pick up a few fun size bars to take with you in case you are returning from lunch or need to bring something to a softball game for one of your children.

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert

Chocolate Bar Advert
Chocolate Bar Advert

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