Diploma of Wine Marketing

Diploma of Wine Marketing

This is a career-oriented program, developed with industry assistance, to meet the need for wine marketers. It provides the wine industry with employees who will be productive as problem-solvers.

The program has a marketing base in which the concepts of marketing are analysed and related to the wine industry. Marketing courses give insight into the ways in which a marketer can influence the outcome of buying decisions by examining aspects such as: consumer behaviour in relation to wine purchases, market research and the collection and interpretation of data, communication in terms of advertising, promotion and public relations, and strategic planning for effective and efficient operations.

A business component provides students with knowledge of accounting, finance, economics and commercial law functions pertaining to both small and large organisations. Student gain knowledge and experience of wine through the study of viticulture and oenology. They develop an understanding of the production process and the capacity to evaluate wines critically in terms of style and quality. The Diploma is essentially the first two years of the Bachelor of Wine Marketing program, and articulates into that program.

  • marketing managers or assistants of small to medium size wineries
  • product or brand managers
  • sales representatives
  • cellar door and sales managers
  • proprietors or export managers of wine companies
  • buyers and managers
  • tourism and hospitality industries
  • government departments
  • media sales and marketing
Diploma of Wine Marketing

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