
"Who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long."
- Martin Luther

We drink beer to party and champagne to celebrate, but we drink wine for the wine. It is an art form with its own vocabulary and rules of etiquette, ones every man should know whether he’s entertaining guests in his home or dining at a fine restaurant. Wine’s rich, extensive history goes back as many as 9,000 years in certain regions of China and has played a role in religious ceremonies dating back to ancient Greece and Rome and continuing on through Christian and Jewish traditions. Drinking wine in moderation has been shown to offer some positive health effects, including lowered risk of coronary heart disease (although some dispute this). Granted, wine appreciation is often associated with a level of pretentiousness, but it is a common search term chiefly because so many aspects of it are in fact rather complex and require the guidance and experience of experts.’s wealth of articles on wine, written by aficionados, provide that extraordinary service.

Wine on AM

Being a man who understands and appreciates wine signifies to others a degree of sophistication not found with any other alcoholic drink. For any man, knowing of a few good bottles of wine is good, but not good enough; a man should be familiar with wine-making regions of the world, the different grape varietals and vintages, and the factors that separate a good bottle from a great one and so much more. To that end, these articles address wine from every conceivable angle: Wine etiquette, steps to wine tasting, profiles of famed and little-known wine-making regions, how to pair the right wine with different foods, individual wine profiles, collecting bottles of wine, rack essentials, even articles on how to read wine labels. In short, they will help to turn any wine novice into an urbane, well-rounded man with an advanced palette who knows the difference between Pinot gris, Pinot blanc, Pinot noir and more.

Wine Fact

The Islamic Revolution ended 7,000 years of wine production in Iran. Khollar, in southern Iran, was once famous for its wine, which played an important part in the culture of ancient Persia. Some believe that Khollar is the birthplace of Shiraz wine, which is now made in California, France, and Australia.

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