Drink Coffee! No, Don'T Drink Coffee! Wait! Drink Coffee!

Drink Coffee! No, Don't Drink Coffee! Wait! Drink Coffee!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the barista, yesterday's study linking caffeine and miscarriage made it perfectly clear that coffee is bad. Until this morning, that is.

If you aren't pregnant and not on the Pill or hormone replacement drugs, three cups of coffee per day may protect you from ovarian cancer if you're an American nurse. Or, um, something like that.

Given the sheer amount of coffee I've had just in the last 2 hours, it's tricky to follow the most recent news on what may kill me. Or not kill me. Or might make me live 12 minutes longer unless I get hit by a bus or falling interest rates or Skylab or something *completely* random that I'd never before considered.

It's normal to shake like this, right? Maybe I should switch to decaf. I hear it's just as tasty as the real thing. No, wait, that might kill you, too.

From: http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerderby/archive/tags/coffee/default.aspx

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