Coffee Increases The Stress Level?
Coffee Increases The Stress Level?

In many seminars or event held for public grathering, there always a break called “coffee break”, where people have about 15 minutes to relax. Kinda short break, but that’s the point. With this 15 minutes time, we can have some coffees and get refreshed!

A pair of scientists from Bristol University then set up a scenario to test the effects of java on people’s stress levels and working relationships. They gave subjects a beverage containing 200 milligrams of caffeine (about 2 cups of espresso) or a caffeine-free cup.

It was found then–first conclusion– that men had higher heart rates and used less adaptive coping strategies under the influence of caffeine. Drinking coffee makes it difficult for them to have a public speaking.

The second finding from the research is, caffeinated beverages didnt find to be affected alertness, but reduced men’s ability to perform as a team.

Sounds impossible, huh? Those are not the things we believe for years.

Coffee Increases The Stress Level?
Coffee Increases The Stress Level?

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