Summer fruit fecipes

Many desserts can be made with freshly frozen fruit later in the year, so what better excuse to stock up the freezers?

Please let me know if you have a favourite recipe you'd be happy to share here.

Strawberries & Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a surprisingly good partner for strawberries!

Dip a strawberry into a shallow bowl of straight balsamic vinegar, or use balsamic in a Strawberry Granita, as suggested by the River Cafe writers. The article also includes a delicious Raspberries & Ricotta recipe.

Summer Pudding

This easy-to-make traditional summer fruit dessert is a delicious combination of sweet and sharp. Delia Smith's recipe given here is the family favourite.
  • 450g raspberries
  • 225g redcurrants
  • 110g blackcurrants
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 7-8 medium slices white bread from a large loaf (sliced bread not recommended)
  • Lightly butter an 850ml pudding basin

 Redcurrants are delicious with other soft fruits in summer puddings.
Red currants on the vine

Separate the currants from their stalks: hold the tip of each stalk firmly between finger and thumb and slide it between the prongs of a fork - push the fork downwards, so pulling off the currants as it goes.

Place the fruits and sugar in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Cook for about 3 - 5 minutes until the sugar has melted and the juices begin to run - don't overcook, or it will spoil the fresh flavour.

Remove the fruit mix from the heat. Line the pudding basin with the slices of bread, overlapping them and sealing well by pressing the edges together. Fill in any gaps with small pieces of bread, so that no juice can get through when you add the fruit.

Pour in the fruit and juice (except for about two-thirds of a cupful), then cover the pudding with another slice of bread. Place a small plate or saucer on top (one that will fit exactly inside the rim of the bowl) and on top of that place a 1.3kg - 1.8kg weight. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.

Just before serving, turn the pudding turn out on to a large serving dish and spoon the reserved juice all over, to soak any bits of bread that still look white. Cut into wedges, and serve with thick cream.

Russian Raspberry Pudding

A luxurious meringue-like baked desert, delicious on its own or served with ice-cream. Creme fraiche & sour cream also make good replacements for the double cream.
  • 500g raspberries
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Teacupful double cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp flour
Place raspberries in a glass dish; cover with 2 tbsp sugar.

Separate the eggs. Add the flour & 1 tbsp of sugar to the yolks; mix well. Add the lemon juice and double cream; mix well. Whisk egg-whites until stiff; fold into yolk mixture.

Spread egg mix over raspberries. Bake at 375*F / 180*C for 20 - 25 mins, until golden brown. Serve warm.

Broad bean and pancetta risotto

Serves 4
  • 1 large onion
  • 1.8kg broad beans or 365g shelled broad beans
  • 110g Parmesan cheese
  • 1 litre vegetable stock
  • 110g unsalted butter
  • 100g cubed pancetta
  • 365g Arborio risotto rice
  • 5 tbspn dry Vermouth or white wine
Peel and finely chop onion, shell beans and grate Parmesan.

Bring to the boil the stock.

Melt half the butter and add onion and pancetta, cook for approximately 10 minutes.

Add rice, stir until coated with the butter.

Add the Vermouth and stir until absorbed by the rice.

Add the beans and then the hot stock a ladle each time until absorbed.

Continue to add stock until the rice is cooked - approximately 20 minutes.

Stir in remaining butter (adjust amount to taste), the cheese and seasoning.

 Minted young broad beans with fried halloumi.
Perfect summer salad

Minted broad beans with fried halloumi

Serves 4

* 350-450gm podded weight of young broad beans
* 4 Plum Tomatoes finely chopped
* 4 Spring Onions finely chopped
* Handful of small mint leaves (Morrocan mint is suitable)
* Juice of 1 lemon
* 6-8 Tbsp Olive Oil
* Salt and Pepper
* 250gm Halloumi Cheese
* 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil

Cook the beans for 3-4 mins until tender then drain. If using larger beans with tough skins refresh in cold water then peel outer skins off.

Cut the halloumi into slices or chunks and fry in the vegetable oil until lightly coloured.

Mix the broad beans with the tomatoes, spring onions, mint leaves, lemon juice and season.

Mix in the olive oil then arrange in a bowl and scatter the halloumi on the top.


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