Growing Strawberries Indoors

Growing Strawberries Indoors
Growing Strawberries Indoors

Grow Beautiful Juicy Strawberries Indoors and Year Round With a Hanging Strawberry Planter
By Robert P Smith

Anyone who has ever planted strawberries knows that they have a specific and short growing season. However, those days are over thanks to a new development from a U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Scientist. You can grow beautiful juicy strawberries indoors and year round with a hanging strawberry planter.

Growing Strawberries Indoors

In the past there were three basic categories of strawberries: June-bearing, Ever-bearing or day neutral. June-bearing strawberries produce a large, concentrated crop once a year during a three-week period, usually in June as their name suggests. Ever-bearing strawberries produce two crops of strawberries, one in the spring and another in the late summer or fall. Day neutral strawberries are capable of bearing fruit continuously from June through September. Obviously, all three varieties have limitations as far as their growing season and each has limitations regarding temperature and climate.

Growing Strawberries Indoors

Now, thanks to a development by a plant scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture there is a new variety of strawberry called the Tri-Star. This variety is called "perpetual bearing" because it has a year round growing season. It grows very nicely indoors and so extremes of temperature are not an issue. The plants are very hearty and produce gobs of strawberries, as fast as you can pick them.

Growing Strawberries Indoors

A hanging strawberry garden looks very attractive in your home, with bright green leaves,beautiful white flowers and plump red berries, which makes for a very nice looking house plant. If you enjoy strawberries, you know how expensive they can be in the stores and at certain times of the year, they can be hard to find. You can save a lot of money with these hanging strawberry planters, beautify your home and have juicy and delicious strawberries year round.

Growing Strawberries Indoors

Growing Strawberries Indoors

Growing Strawberries Indoors

Growing Strawberries Indoors
Growing Strawberries Indoors

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